We want Carolina Public Press to be a different kind of news organization.

Nonprofit and independent? Yes. Investigative and in-depth? Yes.

But also connected to and engaged with our readers, users, supporters and donors.

To help us evaluate our successes — and our challenges — we are committed to listening to your thoughts, ideas, input and critiques. From answering emails and phone calls from you, to answering requests for information, to holding the free and public News Exchange forums in every Western North Carolina county — we want to hear from you, just as we want our in-depth and investigative reporting to have real impact for the nearly 1 million residents who call Western North Carolina home.

Today, we have another opportunity. It’s a short survey for you: just 10 questions in 5 minutes.

You can find the survey below, and to thank you for your time and attention, we have a gift for you, too.

Those who complete the survey and include your contact information may be eligible to receive $5 off our next training program, NONPROFIT DISCLOSURES, which will be held Oct. 24 in Asheville.

NONPROFIT DISCLOSURES, a new training program from Carolina Public Press, will focus specifically on the state’s large and influential nonprofit sector — including understanding what records and information nonprofit organizations must disclose and make public, according to local, state and federal laws and standards.

General admission is $35 (without the survey discount), and we’ll share more information about the training program in the coming weeks. Everyone from nonprofit and agency leaders, working journalists, students and community members will be invited.

In the meantime, we hope you’ll take a few moments to answer the survey, and we hope you’ll accept our thanks.

As always, we appreciate your interest in Carolina Public Press, a nonprofit online news service providing Western North Carolina with unbiased, in-depth and investigative reporting as well as educational opportunities to journalists, students and others. Find us Monday through Friday at www.CarolinaPublicPress.org and throughout North Carolina in some of the state’s other top online, print, TV and radio news outlets.


Thank you!
Angie Newsome
Editor and Executive Director
Carolina Public Press

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. You may republish our stories for free, online or in print. Simply copy and paste the article contents from the box below. Note, some images and interactive features may not be included here.

Angie Newsome was the executive director and editor of Carolina Public Press. Contact her at (828) 774-5290 or e-mail her at anewsome@carolinapublicpress.org.

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